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Tribal 104 - Summer 2022

Tribal 104 - Summer 2022 View larger

Tribal 104 - Summer 2022

22,00 €


  • A Year After the Périnet Sale or, The Permanence of the Unique
  • Lightning Symbol and Snake Dance. Aby Warburg and Pueblo Art
  • Oceanic Art at the Baltimore Museum of Art
  • The Art of Fesira: Narrative Figuration in Southern Madagascar
  • Mareakape: A Seminal Artwork of the Kerewo People
  • The Caciques and their Inkas
  • On the Trail of the Elephant ... and that of Abou Ballas

(112 pages)


More info

  • A Year After the Périnet Sale or, The Permanence of the Unique
    By Elena Martínez-Jacquet

Perinet sale african art

  • Lightning Symbol and Snake Dance. Aby Warburg and Pueblo Art
    By Christine Chávez

Aby Warburg Pueblo Art MARKK

  • Oceanic Art at the Baltimore Museum of Art
    By Kevin Tervala

Baltimore Kervala Oceanic Art

  • The Art of Fesira: Narrative Figuration in Southern Madagascar
    By Bertrand Goy and Bernard de Grunne

fesira artist Madagascar Goy de Grunne

  • Mareakape: A Seminal Artwork of the Kerewo People
    By Jonathan Fogel

Mareakape Kerewo Papua New Guinea Fogel

  • The Caciques and their Inkas
    By Sebastian Miller

caciques Inkas Peru Miller

  • On the Trail of the Elephant ... and that of Abou Ballas
    By Elena Martínez-Jacquet

Headrests Africa Book Pirat

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