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Tribal 56 - Summer 2010

Tribal 56 - Summer 2010 View larger

Tribal 56 - Summer 2010

20,00 €


  • The Making of Images : Inside the World's Ateliers
  • The Aztec Pantheon at the Getty Villa
  • Through African Eyes: The European in African Art, 1500 to Present
  • Along the Congo River with François Nevt
  • Edmond Dartevelle: A lengthy Exploration
  • Ancestors and Descendants
  • The Pitt Rivers Museum Revisited
  • An Approach to Nande Isumba Figures
  • Catherine and Patrick Sargos: A Collectors' Itinerary
  • Other Worlds: The Photography of Mike Glad

(144 pages)


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  • The Making of Images : Inside the World's Ateliers
    By Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter

  • The Aztec Pantheon at the Getty Villa
    By Sebastian Miller

  • Through African Eyes: The European in African Art, 1500 to Present
    By Nii Otokunor Quarcoopome

  • Along the Congo River with François Nevt
    By Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter

  • Edmond Dartevelle: A lengthy Exploration
    By Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter

  • Ancestors and Descendants
    By Paul J. Tarver

  • The Pitt Rivers Museum Revisited
    By Catherine Elliott Weinberg

  • An Approach to Nande Isumba Figures
    By Julien Volper

  • Catherine and Patrick Sargos: A Collectors' Itinerary
    By Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter

  • Other Worlds: The Photography of Mike Glad
    By Joshua Dimondstein

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